


Tomato Macarroni

Tomato Macarroni


400 gr Tomato sauce
100 gr Water
3 gr Salt
15 gr Agar Agar
4 drops Natura Basil Aroma
Macaron Kit 100%CHEF
Mozzarella foam
300 gr Milk
200 gr Cream
50 gr Mozzarella powder
50 gr Proespuma cold


For the macaronis
Bath completely the fork of the Macaron-Kit in ice water or put into the freezer in order to cool the metal.
Mix all ingredients and bring the jelly to boil.
Put the hot jelly on a tray. Let cool down below 80°C and add the Basil Aroma.
Remove the Macaron-Kit from the ice water or freezer with a glove. Dip the Macaron-Kit into the gelatine for 3 seconds.
Remove and wait for some seconds, in order for the gelatine to take on well.
Make a cut on each end of the jelly tube in order to ease the extraction.
Remove the tubes from the Macaron-Kit smoothly. They should unstick easily.
Cut the ends with a knife in the desired shape to create tubes or make a cut on the cross to get the macaron shape.

For the Foam:
To make the foam, mix all ingredients with a blender. Fill in the ½ siphon. Insert a charge and shake energetically